I first met Kelly 4 years ago through a mutual friend who highly recommended her to me. I was very hesitant to get involved with a trainer and thought I would just do it myself (being the boss at work I was not interested in being told what to do). After several months of doing it alone, I noticed I wasn’t losing any more weight. I had started my journey to health and fitness earlier that year after a medical checkup revealed at 267lbs I had multiple issues, and was told I had sleep apnea, was obese, and at risk of diabetes and stroke. This made me realize I could no longer take my body and health for granted. At 59 years’ old this was serious enough to get me moving. I started by walking every evening along a favorite riverside trail. When I first started to walk I could barely walk 3 blocks before being short of breath and energy, this was early march in beautiful Richmond B.C. By September that same year I was walking briskly averaging 10K per day and maxed out at 18k a couple of times. I returned to my sleep clinic and found the sleep apnea had disappeared I no longer needed the machine to breath at night, they were astonished, they asked what I had done, I said I simply followed their advice to get fit and reduce calories. I was averaging 1500-2000 calories per day and losing weight. They were happy for me but sadly lost me as a customer.
Then I went for a follow up to my family doctor and she was also amazed that my blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar, was normal, but my weight was still higher than it should be. I was down to 246lbs, However the circulation and breathing had helped, I was now on a mission so as the dark rainy fall weather arrived I joined a fitness club that included 10 sessions of a registered “Personal Trainer”. I had no idea what this was going to be like, so I trained on my own for a couple of months but couldn’t seem to lose any more weight. Finally, at the urging of my friend Meenu, I finally agreed to be introduced to Kelly. She immediately made me feel comfortable, and I saw her 2- 3 times a week, depending on my busy schedule. After my 10 sessions, I continued to work with Kelly, I learned so much about how to exercise properly and what foods to eat, and what would be best before and after a workout. She’s a great personal coach, recording my progress, providing helpful advice, and cheering me on.
“I was amazed at how fast the pounds were coming off my body, I also really enjoyed Kelly’s style of exercise routines as they were never the same or too difficult to hurt myself, I was having fun, and looked forward to seeing her at every session, man did I sweat a lot! I lost 20lbs in 3 months. I reached a new personal high in my life, I participated in the 10k Sun Run and climbed a 3500ft mountain that year.”
Knowing Kelly as a trainer and now as a cherished friend, I highly recommend her as a trainer and assure you, you will get much more out of life and health and you will be making a loyal friend for life.
Three years ago I moved away for work and continued to keep in touch and she still counseled me, as well as, kept track of my progress. I did really well for the 1st year and a half then started to slip in my routine, recently I moved back to her area and reconnected with Kelly for lunch, just meeting with her gave me the mental strength to get back on track. I’ve now walked 5k every day for 30 days straight, and kept my calorie intake around 2000, I feel great again, my body is slimming down, and I think of Kelly when I walk, her smile makes me want to succeed. She genuinely cares about her clients.